Pleasant Grove Elementary Named Top Recycler for Third Quarter


DALTON, GA -  During the months of February, March, and April Pleasant Grove Elementary collected 8,690 pounds of recyclables through the Target Recycling program.  That is the equivalent of collecting 57,933 empty cereal boxes or 896,000 sheets of printer paper.  Thanks to the efforts of the staff, teachers, and students, Pleasant Grove Elementary improved their recycling rate of only 2.1 pounds per students during the 1st quarter of the 2009 – 2010 school year to an amazing 15.9 pounds per student for the 3rd quarter.

Recycling Ben, mascot for the Target Recycling program, presented the student body at Pleasant Grove Elementary their award on Friday, May 21st.  The award chosen by school staff is a blue wagon to help collect recycling bins from classrooms and offices.   Students cheered as their mascot Pee Gee accepted the wagon from Recycling Ben.  During the school assembly Liz Swafford, Recycling & Education Program Coordinator for Dalton-Whitfield Solid Waste Authority, congratulated the students for all their hard work and highlighted their achievements in recycling for the year.

Target Recycling is a recycling program managed by the Dalton-Whitfield Solid Waste Authority that includes educational opportunities and recognition of participation for City of Dalton and Whitfield County schools.  Since the Fall of 2008 local schools have hosted Target Recycling Containers where they collected mixed paper products like cardboard, paper, office paper, books, cereal boxes, magazines, and newspapers.  Each quarter the school with the highest recycling rate receives a custom award that will help improve the recycling program or beautify their campus.   For more information visit or call 706-278-5001.

Pictured are Recycling Ben, Pee Gee, and some of the fifth graders that participate in recycling at Pleasant Grove Elementary in Dalton, GA.