/(Dalton, GA) – June 1, 2022 – Dalton Whitfield-Solid Waste Authority announced today that it has joined with the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) Georgia Chapter in celebrating 2022 Waste & Recycling Workers Week. This year Waste and Recycling Workers week is June 12-18, 2022. This week-long awareness effort is focused on solid waste workers as superheroes.
Recycling Collections Coordinator was recognized by Georgia SWANA for his work in honor of Waste and Recycling Workers Week.
The theme this year is Solid Waste Workers are Superheroes!
Participation in the Waste & Recycling Workers Week means that Dalton-Whitfield Solid Waste Authority has joined with the SWANA Georgia Chapter and other municipalities, organizations and companies throughout the state, committing to elevating the status of solid waste management workers, and thanking them for keeping us safe and healthy.
“The DWSWA is proud to participate in this state-wide effort to recognize our solid waste workers as superheroes that protect health and the environment against unmanaged waste,” said Dirk Verhoeff, Director of Dalton-Whitfield Solid Waste Authority.
SWANA-Georgia Chapter plans to feature solid waste workers throughout the state on its website gaswana.org and social media accounts during this week.
“Solid Waste Workers may not be able to bend steel with their bare hands or leap tall buildings in a single bound but they collect trash, recycling and compostables in all types of weather to protect our health and safety. Solid Waste Workers may not fly around in an invisible jet but are skilled Commercial Drivers and Collectors that are employed in the sixth most dangerous profession in the United States. Solid Waste Workers are TRUE superheroes,” said Suki Janssen, SWANA-Georgia Chapter President.
SWANA-Georgia Chapter wants to bring awareness to protect solid waste workers and elevate the importance of the tasks they perform for Georgia residents. SWANA-Georgia Chapter wants to thanks all solid waste workers for staffing landfills, transfer stations, recycling centers, driving trucks, and picking up litter. If you would like to know more about Waste & Recycling Workers Week or SWANA Georgia Chapter please visit, gaswana.org or visit SWANA-Georgia Chapter on Facebook.