B.S.A. Troop 65 Prepares Outdoor Classroom
/Pictured is Eagle Scout candidate Drew Kite (center) with his parents, Kelly Kite and B.J. Kite, Scout Master for Troop 65, Frank Fetzer, and Norman Barashick, Executive Director at the DWSWA who presented them with Certificates of Appreciation for their work on the Outdoor Classroom.
The Outdoor Classroom at the Recycling Center is an extension of the current Environmental Education program available at the facility. B.S.A. Troop 65 updated the area over the summer converting it into a useable outdoor space for learning.
DALTON, GA – Eagle Scout candidate Drew Kite and members of Boy Scouts of America Troop 65 prepared an outdoor classroom area at the Recycling Center managed by the Dalton-Whitfield Solid Waste Authority during the summer. With the direction of Drew Kite participants transformed a neglected barn structure into a useable educational space outdoors complete with a butterfly garden. While some scouts put together a composter and rain barrel, others cleaned out the barn even removing trash and debris. Planters were painted and planted with potatoes vines and petunias, tree stumps were converted into stools, and a container garden with herbs was established.
Drew Kite and B.S.A. Troop 65 were recognized for their efforts in making the outdoor classroom a reality during the July board meeting of the DWSWA. They received certificates of appreciation and saw the plaque that was later placed on the barn structure recognizing their contribution through the Eagle Scout Project organized by Kite.
The Outdoor Classroom is an extension of the current Environmental Education program provided by the Solid Waste Authority and Keep Dalton-Whitfield Beautiful. Schools that visit the facility for the recycling and landfill tour will be able to add outdoor activities with themes like water conservation, composting, and the human impact on the environment. For more information about the program call the Recycling Center at 706-278-5001.