Pleasant Grove Elementary Receives 1st Quarter Recycling Award from Target Recycling

DALTON, GA -  On Friday, January 28, the students and faculty at Pleasant Grove Elementary School received an award for having the highest recycling rate during the first quarter of the 2010 – 2011 school year.  During the months of August, September, and October, Pleasant Grove reached an average recycling rate of 17.1 pounds per student collecting a grand total of 9,110 pounds of recyclables.  Recycling Ben, mascot of the Target Recycling program, presented PeeGee, mascot for the school, a grey heavy-duty cart to help collect recycling bins from classrooms and offices.  Students cheered when PeeGee accepted the award during the school assembly.

Target Recycling is a recycling program managed by the Dalton-Whitfield Solid Waste Authority, which includes educational opportunities and recognition of participation to public and private schools in Whitfield County.  Since the Fall of 2008 local schools have hosted Target Recycling Containers where they collect mixed paper products like cardboard, paper, office paper, books, cereal boxes, magazines, and newspapers.  Each quarter of the school year the school with the highest recycling rate receives an award that will help improve the recycling program or beautify their campus.  Awards include items like recycling bins for classrooms or benches made from recycled materials.

To improve the recycling rate at your school, contact Liz Swafford, Recycling and Education Program Coordinator, at 706-278-5001, e-mail: